martes, 3 de enero de 2012






What is the relationship established with the student the knowledge, the teacher is helping to make this relationship is pleasant and fruitful. Teaching activities undertaken by teachers are inevitably linked to learning processes, following his instructions, carried out by students. The goal of teachers and students is always the achievement of certain learning and the key to success is that students are able and willing to perform cognitive operations suitable for it, interacting appropriately with the educational resources available to them.

Essential Tools for learning: reading, writing, speaking, computing basic operations, problem solving, access to information and "smart" search, metacognition and learning techniques, techniques of individual and group work

The teaching strategy in which the teacher aims to facilitate the learning of students, consisting of a series of activities that include the interaction of students with specific content.
The teaching strategy should provide students: motivation, information and guidance for their learning, and should take into account some principles:

- Consider the characteristics of students: cognitive and learning styles ..
- Consider the motivations and interests of students. Ensure amenity. the classroom,
- Organize the classroom: the space, materials, time ...
- Provide the necessary information when needed: web, consultants ...
- Use active methods in which one learns by doing.
- Consider an appropriate error handling that is the starting point for new learning.
- Provide students can control their learning.
- Consider collaborative learning activities, but keep in mind that learning is individual.
- Conduct a final evaluation of learning.

Coinstruccionales strategies support the curriculum during the
process of teaching or instructional text reading. cover
functions such as: detection of the main information,
conceptualization of content, definition of organization, structure and
interrelationships between these contents, and maintenance of care and
motivation. This may include strategies such as illustrations, networks
semantic concept maps and analogies, among others.
In turn, the strategies are posinstruccionales after the content
to be learned, and allow students to form a synthetic,
inclusive and even critical of the material.

3.- activity: the teacher provide some rules in the classroom the students have to identify some rules, and say about this rule.
4.- activity: in this activity the teacher clarify some doubts about the topic.

5.- activity: reflection of the language:  the teacher assigned some images then the students have to create rules, some of them are, rules in the hospital, school and the classroom.  

Teaching strategies are specified in a series of learning activities aimed at students and adapted to its characteristics, available resources and content under study. Determine the use of certain means and methods in a specific organizational settings and provide students of appropriate information systems, motivation and guidance.
Activities should promote understanding of concepts, classification and relationship, reflection, the exercise of forms of reasoning, knowledge transfer

In this context the use of teaching aids, which provide information and facilitators of learning interactions with students, it usually comes prescribed and guided by teachers, both classroom learning environments and in virtual teaching environments.
The selection of the most appropriate to each learning situation and good design educational interventions that consider all contextual elements (content to be treated, student characteristics, environmental circumstances ), are always key factors in achieving the educational objectives sought.



La educación en la actualidad se encuentra en situaciones preocupantes al  ser mencionados números que muestran las deficiencias en el campo educativo, a pesar de las diferentes estrategias y recursos implementados en esta, los resultados no son del todo favorables, y la pregunta es donde está el  problema?

Los retos a los que un docente se enfrenta día a día son diferentes y cada uno con cierto grado ce complejidad, ahora bien encontrar a un docente que nunca haya tenido que resolver o alcanzar un propósito, un docente debe tener en claro que  su trabajo es  educar atreves del conocimiento,  en muchas ocasiones el rezago y otras situaciones no permiten que el profesor cumpla con sus fines establecidos en educación, así que esto lo convierte en un reto que hay que superar, tratar de adaptar a los niños que no pueden marchar al paso que los otros e incluso atender los problemas que un adolescente pueda presentar, todas estas situaciones conforman los retos de un docente.

Citando ejemplos muy claros en la educación mexicana, un docente que es enviado a una comunidad alejada de la  urbanización,  en este caso rural, el propósito del docente es comenzar con su labor como docente, él lleva todas las herramientas posibles de conocimiento para enseñarles  a sus nuevos alumnos y así cumplir sus propósitos que los planes y programas marcan, sin embargo se topa con la carencia de recursos didácticos para el aprendizaje, esto se convierte en un reto para el docente el tiene que idear nuevas estrategias para aplicar y explicar ese conocimiento,  es una realidad que muchos docentes se ven inmersos por la falta de apoyos por parte del gobierno a zonas rurales,  es un reto más para el docente, de igual  manera  tocando el tema de las zonas rurales es donde más retos tiene el docente,  combatir analfabetizacion que en números reducidos existe, pero sigue aun latente, amenazando la integridad de las personas las cuales son víctimas, y otro reto más del docente es inculcar valores para un progreso personal, y social, el cual les traerá mejore oportunidades.

El docente se enfrenta a muchos retos los cuales tiene que resolver con inteligencia y paciencia, es por eso que el docente debe aprender a comprender la educación en la cual se ve envuelto para que las estrategias que aplique tengan éxito, es importante resaltar que la dinámica general del cambio en nuestra sociedad crea desajustes, hace surgir nuevas demandas en la formación de competencias profesionales, psicológicas y especializadas para los docentes que buscan iniciarse o posicionarse en el mercado laboral y de esta manera crear nuevos aprendizajes que den solución a las problemáticas.

Bien para afrontar todos  retos que se demandan es necesario contar con un perfil que cubra todas las necesidades que la sociedad demanda para que el docente no se encuentre desarmado en esta batalla por la competencia. Así los retos del docente son cada día diferentes, y es por ello su superación y preparación para combatirlos.




1. Activity: according with the lesson plan the teacher ask to the student for the last activities, the purpose   is create a brainstorm, and create a vocabulary. The students have to pass in the front and write in the blackboard. 

2.- activity: flash cards: in this activity the teacher show some images while he read the story according to the images.  The students only listen, and match the images.

3.- activity: read: in this activity the students have sheets to paper, and then they have to identify in the text the activities that appear in the text, and telling to the teacher some of the words.

4.- activity: what they do yesterday?: in this activity the students have to describe and try create sentences  using  the simple past tense in daily activities according the images.

5.- activity: what did your family do the last week?: in this activity the students  have to create and using the past tense. Describing activities of their family did.