miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012



While teaching a second language, it is necessary to consider the various factors that influence the teaching process. Must be taken into account, the estimated time of each class, and even the course, including materials that may be useful or even prevent this process.Teaching a second language in this case "English" in high school is varied every teacher has their strategies and take their resources to implement them, however have to comply with the program established by certain activities, and units be covered in this process, a major difficulty is the time, which comprise most of the activities to be applied during the course, but also education is overshadowed if not considered as follows; revisiting the importance of teaching skills "Phillippe Perrenoud":

                     "1.1 Organize and student learning; know, through a specific discipline, content to be taught and its translation into learning objectives."                          Review of "TEN NEW SKILLS TO TEACH" Philippe Perrenoud.

It is very important that the teacher knows your area in which it plays, and on what principles governing when the teacher knows in this case the English language, and must base their planning and activities following the communicative approach will be a more in favor, by the fact facilitate the creation of activities and plannings that approach to the needs of students, on the other hand the teacher does not know its approach and objectives to be achieved at the end of the period of language teaching will become problems when applying what he thinks is best for their students, however lies in the subjective situations and loses the sense of the principles governing the teaching process. It is important to mention that unless you know what is taught and not have a management process groups or students who are taught the language, you will not have any evidence to monitor performance of individual students at the end of course, that becomes a difficult problem, on the contrary have the relevant records would help to know the progress of individual students, and apply the strategies which were more efficient, "Observe and evaluate students in learning situations,As an approach to training. ", As mentioned above if they meet the parameters set out what will have no problem perform in a classroom.The teacher considers the student profile and group, has the advantage over their planning approach to the needs they require so Phillippe Perrenoud:        

          3.3 "Develop and evolve heterogeneity; Addressing the heterogeneity of the class group." Review of "TEN NEW SKILLS TO TEACH" Philippe Perrenoud.

However, the teaching that standardizes the knowledge of students, making this tool, a weakness that leads us away from reaching a satisfactory class, but simply delayed in plannings, that do not work in class and generates more doubts in students It recommends a sampling of situations and contexts where students are developed. Even Involve students in their learning and their work, encourage the desire to learn, explain the relationship with knowledge, sense of school work are fundamental things that help keep the communicative approach and express what is taught weigh heavily on the surrounding context. If teachers know their teaching approach is receiving and traditional repetition. It is also very important for students to be critical this marks the fifth competition in the introduce teaching process analytically to recognize and value the work of each of their students this may qualify based on an oral presentation, reading, and so on. also the importance of socializing as people to find solutions together. Failure teaches students to value their work and recognize the progress among themselves only relies on the subjectivity of things and be certain that if my partner support positively expressed the wrong way to read a text, I support in the same way although error is evident. And the teacher will accept the weakness of these results that the criticisms of this work shed, because that would start to create new strategies to solve such problems. In this process, as mentioned it is necessary for products to make themselves known and Phillippe Perrenoud the author refers to the importance of: "6.6 Practice in the management of the school, 7.7 inform and involve parents," the importance of these powers are vested in the above, we need the active participation of parents in the teaching of their children, so the teacher uses the meetings to express and show their children's progress in the field, as a festival or activity which displays the evidence of what is done in the classroom with this is put into practice socializing creativity to bring parents to the language context in which their children are working. Without evidence and presenting the parents who are interested in the way of their children in this area, will bring trouble, if a student is deficient in its performance class the teacher may excuse never works, and missing too much about that he has not learned anything the course and outcome are poor grades. While the performance of teachers on pedagogy must follow guidelines, and strategies, theories which should be based, to apply knowledge, which mentions the importance Perrenoud has 8.8 the use of new technology broadly use a projector for more pleasing to the students the class, or exploit the contents of the virtual programs, and activities Enciclomedia exercises are helpful in the teaching of students, learning is more attractive using this, of course if the teacher is able to handle successfully training technologies. Currently some s teachers do not have the update on the management area as Enciclomedia programs, etc.. This is a weakness because it has the only equipment that can not be used because the teacher is not familiar, or just not all schools have the electricity to develop a class using an electronic device. While picking up the item 10.10 Organize the training itselfIt is mentioned that a teacher who continually engages in refresher education projects has more value and is closer to meeting their educational objectives of both, as the technology in your area that play. And to finish picking up the item 9.9 Meeting the duties and ethical dilemmas of the profession, this is reflected from the outset that the decision of the race, so its performance will be optimal in each of the things we do, and also not to forget the fundamental basis for governing society are the values ​​and respect for diversity.

When the teacher knows and recognizes each of the concepts to be planned in relation to their area, and pedagogical basis, may yield results and succeed in it, so it is necessary to consider the ten powers which the author Phillippe Perrenoud, referred to meet the teaching, and so apply it optimally in each group.