miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011


                                     ESCUELA SECUNDARIA OFICIAL "MARIANO MATAMOROS"


the students have feedback about the last topic
(warm up hot potatoe)

the students learned new exprettions about the topic.

                                               the students match the new vocabulary with the before topic.
                                                          (short text)
                                             the students create a daily rutine using the time.
                                the students create  daily rutine in their notebook.
                                  and past to the front and drescribed their daily rutine using the time.

I maked some questions about the subjet, they said that the subjet disliked them, because they didn´t use correctlythe idiom  in daily life.

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011


Learning methods for students 

The development of  humankind for being a superior specie is considered that starts from its development in the beginning of life with its surroundings which will see it completely developing itself , this is do to the ability’s such as learning and its development knowledge  that the human kind counts with and its diverse factors that will show its development. It’s important to show that the development that the diverse ability’s show during its development are different, everybody has the same ability, this simply depends on the development and the surroundings the human kind counts with.

Most of the people that interact with one type of surrounding devolops a ability  in its life, this is considered a important factor for its development of ability’s and styles of learning methods of the exposed ones in this case are the children, its incredible how they can be so involved and how its learning development and its ability’s depends of the daily life the children are exposed to. The children’s way of life will depend on how its ability knowledge will develop in its first years of life. This all changes when the children start going to school, the surroundings changes such as the people and the type of communication they have, of course they won’t forget their style of life they have but they will  compare and most importantly will learn how to behave in both surroundings which is at home and in school this means that their daily life changes do to the different  knowledge they acquire in their new style of life. Should all of this be called experience? ,of course all these situations counts with a personal experience and they know how to use such experience in their daily life it all depends how they understand this experience depending on that is the new style of life they will take and the development of its own knowledge.  
So the number of scientists, psychologists studying hard at present the various learning styles, their studies show-create strategies to better assimilate information, a young man with a different perception than their peers, this is no reason to simply scrubbing push it to develop their mental abilities.
                                                                 "Children learn in each cycle on about the same"
                                                                                                           Theory of Knowledge, piaget

Piaget is one of the main authors who cared about the development of knowledge and cognitive abilities of humans, their children based on studies that showed in his theory of the four stages of development where mention of the same in each and union with each other, in my opinion is never late to learn the more you discover, the more you get involved, are the desires to know, and so mental levels are stronger and more sustainable, with each relationship that is spinning and rearranging prior information with new, this will bring its mental ripening. In this way using the right resources in each classroom for students to apply them and thus try to maintain a standard of teaching are some of the many tasks of teaching, interaction with each of the many activities and produce results that are made of different skills, each containing one of the students, with these results to devise appropriate material that includes all, in this case addressed writing listening, speaking, reading, the issues of students like the material of English? The first answer is no? but because the polls show a lack of teachers, the traditional way of teaching, and without material support, and lack of communication vain, this is not attractive to them, hence the apathy toward the subject, but some students perform satisfactorily in this area by having the teacher's attention, communication, use of materials to make clear the issue seen, and all that material exposed the students to take the most appropriate way to accommodate you on your knowledge to give a appropriate use with their environment.
Some teachers are questioning why students do not learn without realizing that the problem can be themselves, just the proper use of teaching strategies are the key to spin the knowledge of students with the new to learn, so that adaptation will assimilation and understanding of each student. We all learn in different ways we can all just have to find a way more consistent with our perception to introduce new knowledge and further develop our skills, and thus make it easier to use and implement this as best we know to do.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011









1: the students share information.
2.-the students learned vocabulary about the topic.

3 the students identify the the rooms in a house.


                              4 the students differenciated the rooms  in a house


Greatly questioned how a student learns, the knowledge that is offered, and especially the use which gives this knowledge: the teacher actually teaching helps students learn?, Is a question that is questioned again and again, if the teacher's work is good will have been satisfactory, just as if their work is poor will impact on the student. It is the teacher to blame for these results?, Moreover theories suggest the possible causes of how a teenager acquires knowledge in the development process and the various factors involved to achieve this, taking into account personal experiences achieve closer to reality provided regarding this issue.
 Questioning this stage of adolescent development is critical because these investigations may find the causes to approach a reality, and well if we relate the stage where students are with the right information to them, would have the certainty to find variations with each of them the way they perceive things in this case the information is the constraints that teachers have, but during this process is necessary to apply strategies that will help shape that perception for them to find and realize the proper use of this, so they can assimilate, understand and use. Not only is it explained and understood me, I really do not know if he learned when making this type of teaching positions before the error is thought to build and build something ephemeral, it can work, proper management of content and strategies to achieve productive knowledge is the goal at present educational agencies. Returning to the management theories of Piaget, was a theorist who sought to explain the way in which the cognitive development of children is paramount to its development:
    "Piaget, cognitive development is not only quantitative changes in the facts and skills, but radical changes in how knowledge is organized."
                                                                                                    "Flirts training workshop on the 2006 Programmed of study."

 It is true that at every stage of adolescent development to learn different skills and acquire new concepts in each of them is for this reason that at the stage where they will find is the way in which perceive things, and so assimilate himself the master serves a vital role in this, the influence of the family context and even own to create environments in which adolescents acquire and learn new concepts that will be reflected in school work.
To see how to introduce students to new knowledge, and the way they accept and use that give each of them is the important factor for teachers who are imparting the knowledge, the concern is whether or not they understand what is being explained or exposed in the same way if that knowledge they have learned, and whether they will be useful.
We rely more on such factors as the context, information management, but implementation of strategies for learning:

         "Ability to solve problems or make products that are valued in one or more cultures"
                                                                                                          HOWARD GARDNER
    It refers to the fact that when we
learn something each of us uses its own method or set of strategies that each person uses their own model or strategies in learning. There are different approaches to the learning sovereign and there have been many studies on this subject, though the specific strategies used vary depending on what you want to learn, each of us tends to develop a global preference.
    It is an arduous and difficult task, so looking at how and a major factor in learning is given is the master and the disposition of each student, taking up about past readings with different professors, the way a teacher presents his Class and attracts the attention of teenagers to succeed in their classes, therefore the teacher must foster the environment necessary to develop teaching materials to attract and make the classes easier to understand and promote the use of what is being taught .
And taking into account that not all students learn in the same manner as all piaget and some authors tend to develop certain skills but some develop some skills in specific areas while others just as teachers but the work is to clarify and unify this learning for all his students acquire in the same way, eh learned something that is exposure to the language in context and use, the teacher using strategies that come to situations where they are learning to use it will be easier they acquire that knowledge to be making use of the same. The plans and programs established driving a communicative approach in this case for the specialty of English, seeks the knowledge and interaction with members of the classroom.
 I can say that the way students learn, is set by several factors, as mentioned by several authors piaget one, from my point of view I can say that most people who think it is the fault of the teachers that students do not learn, or learn properly lies in the strategies used by teachers, and good stewardship of the factors that influence whether learning. It is not enough just to teach something, you always need to bring students to practice and use, and that they infer the use of what is being learned in order to observe the results of each of their students and find decisions that are reversible and will be converted into strategies, complex in the future, for proper handling. This is how students learn.

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Propuesta para mejorar el plan y programa de estudios de secundaria.

La experiencia de las observaciones en primer semestre me dejo muy en claro las deficiencias  y los roles que juega un maestro en un salon de clases al cumplir con lo establecido en los planes y programas, y los metodos que utilizan algunos de ellos al enseñar, la enseñanza es un proceso de construcion para los jovenes, si en la actualidad las personas se quejan de los declives de la sociedad,es porque no se ah sabido educar a la nacion, han descuidado el foco que ilumina a toda una sociedad en continuo desarrollo, si se habla todo el tiempo de las deficiencias de esta, porque no hablar  de las mejoras de las escuelas, brindarle todo el apoyo necesario para educar a toda una nacion, que demanda educacion demostrandolo en diversos actos que son rechasados por la misma sociedad, si la educacion es un derecho para todos porque el gobierno no brinda todo los necesario para que las peronas mas pobres puedan educar a sus hijos, es la sociedad la que mantenido el retraso del pais. la enseñanza de una segunda lengua es una demanda que va en cresiente, en la actualidad se habla de que es indispensable este idioma pero no se enseña correctamente, o simplemente los maestros que lo imparten no cumplen con los estantares que se exigen en los planes y programas, un pensamiento desagradable es el de los alumnos que no muestran interes por la materia, ya que como lo habia mencionado anteriomente el desempeño de los maestros en esta materia es deficiente.
como futuro docente mi propuesta para mejorar la enseñanza de la escuela secundaria vendria a ser en un reformamiento de los metodos de enseñanza, dedicar mas horas a su estudio, y demandar mas presupuesto para educar y hacer llegar a todas las personas y en especial  que aprendan una segunda lengua.
 con el implmento de nuevas estrategias como asercamiento mas directo con la lengua propiciar el intercambio a la nacion extrangera para los alumnos de escuelas publicas seria un gran avance, y contar con laboratorios equipados para ingles exclusivamente, seria los primeros pasos para mejorar la enseñanza de este idioma.



the goal is to meet the objectives they have in mind, education alone is not given, is that all efforts to improve transform it, use it and especially to convey that knowledge to continue education. assimilation and accommodation are the two elements to describe how the child adapts to the environment, the assimilation of information is shaping the new information to that meshes well with that already had previously, and maintain stability, handling of information depends on the person who is giving the explanation, this affects the modification of the schemes this is called accommodation, for this reason the information that is intended to teach tieneque real sense for the students: (piaget)

students learned new vocabulary, they became familiar with the matter, made use of the present continuous used it to themselves,


domingo, 23 de enero de 2011



with the growing demand for education and the shortcomings of that, we must work harder to achieve the objectives: for this reason implement the methods and strategies put into practive for the intellectual development of our students is our work that we meet. for this reason it is necessary to give students the opportunity to test, to question and to create their own meaning through physical activities and metals
 "theory of intellectual development" piaget






on my second day of practice was for the first year, a large number of students, was the morning shift, attend number determined was a new challenge, but as mentioned the goal is to meet objectives.

                                                                 PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE:
1:in the first activity was a brainstorming session, the students passed the whiteboard and wrote about their daily activities, the students formed their own vocabulary on the subject.

2:with some images presented with some verbs the students had to relate to the image the activity being undertaken.

3:piaget in priority interest in developmentally appropriate activities, says such activities should be educated with knowledge that students learned causing a restructuring, is the next activity the students had to form their sentences in relation to their daily activities.

4:in assessing the students had to form sentences, and interact with their peers from desk to ask what their daily activities and move to the white board to write, I initially asked me to make a sentence with a daily activity that is equal to the ¨ zone of proximal development · They inferred that knowledge with my help to perform their prayers.

with this activity I could see the use of verbs and the simple present and prove they can form their mistakes and puedeninferir prayers and knowledge that they are building.


competency-based approaches:

knowledge is not a copy of reality. know an object is knowing a fact is not simply observe and make a mental copy of it. Know an object is used. is known to modify it, transform it, to understand the process of transformation and, therefore, understand how it is constructed.


In my first observations in the first year I could see clearly the performance of some teachers as well as defects on their part, compliance with plans and programs is a great tool for students' educational progress, now that I got to give my first try to build on class readings and theories that expose the authors Piaget and Vygotsky, traditional methods are an obstacle to students that they must always dictate what to do, if you let them discover by mistake and check themselves the results of their own efforts, based on readings of Piaget or Vygotsky and the models presented each of them based on learning.

 the room assigned to me was the first "b ", this group was a little distracted, but when something interested them they placed all their disposal, the next video you can see my work by giving a class:

1:I the first minute you can see, i'm provide strips of the colors, so they have to form teams looking the pair of the strip with their classmates.

2: I made my presentation personal and explain about the topic.

 3:After i distributed a memory game, they had to find the couple, making interaction with peers. this cards containing vocabulary about the clothes and colors. the students had a interaction with the new vocabulary

4:Students listen to the pronunciation and vocabulary identified.

5:Students heard a sound bite, using the vocabulary, the vocabulary they idetificaron previously seen and associated with the activity they were hearing.

5: Students infer the meaning of the sentences.

6: the latter activity assessing the performance of students and what they learned, with the participation, and I noticed that he had pupils to participate difficulty forming sentences and pronuncioacion, with this I can see the error of the students to learn.